简客留学网 留学生活 大学英语口语对话 大学口语对话场景20篇

大学英语口语对话 大学口语对话场景20篇


  I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’d like to konw…  I wonder if you could tell me…  Excuse me, do you happen to know…?  避免冷场  Well, let me see…  The piont I’m trying to make is that…  Let me put it another way.  给出观点  Personally, I think/ feel/ believe/ suppose…  My view on… is that…  As far as I’m concerned,…  As i see it,…I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch you.  I’m afraid I’m not quite clear about…  Sorry, I can’t follow you.  Could you repeat the question, please?  完全同意某一观点  I couldn’t agree more.  My own view is precisely the same.  That’s exactly what I’m thinking about.  I’m with you on that.  大学英语口语:部分同意某一观点  That’s true, but…  Mm, possibly.  I see what you mean, but…  有礼貌地表示不同意某种观点  I’m not sure.  Well, that depends.  I don’t think so, really.  提出建议  I was wondering if you’d ever thought of…  Why don’t you…?  You’d better…  Perhaps we could…  委婉地表达意见  Well, I’ve heard that…  Sometimes I think that…  打断对方,争取说话机会  Eexcuse me, but…  Sorry for interrupting, but…  If I’ve understand correctly…  大学英语口语:鼓励对方继续发言  Could you tell me more about…?  Would you mind telling me more about?  Something else I’d like to know is…  被人误解,立即解释  That’s not exactly what I mean.  Let me put it another way.  What I’m trying to say is…  巧妙拒绝发言  I’m sorry, but I really don’t know.  I’ve got no idea.  I wish I could…, but…


