简客留学网 留学攻略 英文面试自我介绍,英语面试的准备工作





2⃣️ Reasons You Want this Job 你为什么想要这份工作 比如: Why are you interested in this position/job? 你为什么会对这个岗位感兴趣? Why are you interested in working at this company? 你为什么对这家公司感兴趣? ❌不要回答因为这个岗位的薪水高,或者这个公司的福利好 ✅ 可以介绍下这个岗位的什么职责让你感兴趣,同时结合自己的特长来说,举例: What excites me about this position is the opportunity to interview customers on their experience with our product. I’ve always been skilled at understanding what people want or need. So, I look forward to using that skill to understand the user experience and consider how to improve it so that the company stands out among its competitors. 该岗位能够提供与用户沟通的机会,以便了解他们对我们产品的使用体验,这一点令我很是兴奋。


I’m looking for a job that suits my qualifications. 我想找一份和我能力匹配的工作。

I’m looking for a job where I can grow with the company. 我想找一份能与公司共同成长的工作。

✅回答这一题,可以从你的优势、过去的成就以及你的技能点出发,举例: In the job description, I see that the top priority is to increase sales revenue. One of my skills is the ability to identify opportunities for growth and strategize accordingly. In my previous job, I saw an opportunity to increase our market share within a specific segment and through new marketing outreach I increased our sales by 12% within one year. I look forward to bringing those same skills to this position. 我们的工作描述里说首要任务是增加销售收入。



Your highest accomplishments or the accomplishment you are most proud of. 你取得的最高成就,或者你最自豪的一项成就。

A time you made a mistake in your job. How did you handle it? 你在工作中犯的一次错误,你是怎么处理的? A time you handled a high-pressure situation. 你应对高压处理的一次经历。

A situation in which you showed real leadership. 你展现真正领导力的一次经历。

A time when you disagreed with your boss. 你和上司意见不统一的一次经历。

. 这类问题通常都比较有挑战性,面试官问这些问题是想知道在过去的工作中你是如何处理一些棘手情况的。

✅可以讲讲真实的可以量化的案例,所谓可量化,比如说: I increased sales by 6% in 3 months by… 我通过……手段在3月内将销售额提升了6%。

I reduced the wait time for customers by 11% by… 我通过……方法将顾客等待时间缩短了11%。


6⃣️: What Do You Know about the Company 你对该公司了解多少 比如: What do you already know about our company? 你对我们公司都多少了解? What do you know about our competitors? 你对我们竞品有多少了解? 通过这些问题,面试官想看看你对公司和行业的了解。

❌不要简单重复他们在网站上或手册上提供的信息 ✅ 陈述你对该行业整体的见解、这家公司在整个行业中的地位、竞品的一些产品动向和营销策略等。


8⃣️: Strengths 优点 比如: What do you think your top strength is? 你觉得自己最大的优点是什么? What are you good at? 你擅长什么? 面试官想通过这个问题知道你能否胜任应聘岗位。


✅ 如果你有10条优点, 拣和工作岗位要求最相关的2-3条来说。

没有人喜欢啰里八嗦的应聘者,挑重要的讲,举例: I’m a punctual person. I always arrive early and complete my work on time. My previous job had a lot of deadlines (time when you must finish something by) and I made sure that I was organized and adhered to (respected) all my jobs. 我很准时,总是早早到公司,按时完成工作。


I consider myself to be a team-player. I like to work with other people and I find that it’s much easier to achieve something when everyone works together and communicates well. 我有团队合作精神,我喜欢与他人合作,而且我发现,如果大家团结协作,沟通良好,就会更容易达成目标。

When I work, I always take initiative. If I see something that needs doing, I don’t wait for instruction, I do it. I believe that to get anywhere in life, you need this quality. 工作时我很主动。


9⃣️: 与工作相关的细节 比如: What salary range were you looking for? 你期待的薪资范围? ❌别漫天要价,也别看轻自己 遵循一个原则:合理。



✅可以这么回答:The typical salary range for this position is XX to XX. Considering my working experience and skills, I would expect something within that. 这个岗位的一般薪资范围是XX到XX,考虑到我的工作经验和技能,我期待的薪水也在这个范围。

Would you be willing to move to a new city?你愿意去另一个城市吗? ✅如果你可以接受异地工作的话,可以回答:If it’s required, I’d like to give it a try. I like exploring different cities and it excites me a lot when being somewhere new. 如果是工作所需,我愿意试试。






