简客留学网 移民经验 原因状语从句,9大状语从句例句



2) 地点状从:① Where there is a will, there is a way.在有意志力的地方,就有一条路。





我们可以说:Where there is love, there is hope.哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

3) 原因状从① —Why are you late? —Because I missed the early bus.—你为什么迟到? —因为我没赶上早班车。

② Since/Now that everyone is here, let's begin.既然大家都来了(大家都知道的事实,显而易见的原因),让我们开始吧。


3to: thanks to, owning to, due to3of: because of, as a result of, on account of.4) 结果状从① I took an umbrella, so that I didn't get wet in the rain.我带了把伞,因此我没淋到雨。

② 雨下得如此大以至于(导致……结果)我们不能出去。

so/such和that之间有名词时:① 可数名词复数和不可数名词,只用such② 可数名词单数,so,such都可以语序不同③ 名词前有表数量多少的形容词时,只用so口诀:名前such,形副so,多多少少也用so,little属特殊,“小”用such,“少”用so。

例句:They are such little children that they can't do anything.他们是如此小的孩子以至于他们什么也做不了。

He earns so little money that he can't support his family.他赚钱如此少以至于不能养家。

5) 目的状从① Take an umbrella in case it rains.带把伞,以防下雨。

(以防:为了防止)② I take an umbrella so that(=in order that) I won't get wet in the rain. 为了不被雨淋湿,我打了把伞。

(主将从现)注意跟前句对比:I took an umbrella, so that I didn't get wet in the rain.我带了把伞,因此我没淋到雨。

(主过从过)6) 方式状语从句① Do the homework as the teacher told you.按照老师告诉你的(方式)去做作业。

② He talks as if he were the chairman.他说起话来(的方式)就像自己是主席一样。

7) 比较状语从句①He forgets faster than he learns.他忘的比学的快。

②He forgets as fast as he learns.他忘的跟学的一样快。

(先有比较才知道一样)8) 条件状语从句① If you promise to return on time, I will lend you my car.如果你许诺按时归还,我可以借给你我的车。

注意:unless=if notI won't lend you my car unless you promise to return on time.我不会借给你我的车除非你许诺按时归还。

=I won't lend you my car if you don't promise to return on time.我不会借给你我的车如果你不许诺按时归还。

② I will lend you my car on condition that you promise to return on time.我可以借给你我的车条件是你许诺按时归还。

③ I will lend you my car on as long as you promise to return on time.只要你许诺按时归还,我可以借给你我的车9) 让步状语从句① 尽管他岁数大了,他坚持学习。

Although/Though/While/Even though(if) he is old, he keeps learning.Old as(though) he is, he keeps learning.注意:as必须倒装,though可倒可不倒,although等不能倒装。

② Whichever way you choose, wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you love, however you hate me, whenever you come back, I will wait for you here.无论你选择那一条路,无论你去向何方,无论你做了什么,无论你爱上谁,无论你多讨厌我,无论你何时归来,我都将在这等着你。

