简客留学网 留学生活 旅游胜地英文,旅游胜地用英语翻译怎么说



scenicspot释义:风景区;景点例句:There was a sea of faces on every scenic spot in China during Spring Festival.春节期间,中国的每一个景点都是人山人海。touristspot释义:旅游景点例句:A tourist spot covered with trash is a real eyesore.旅游景点遍地垃圾,总会让人觉得大煞风景。


#挑战30天在头条写日记#“景点”用英语怎么说?1. Attraction例句:The Great Wall is one of the top attractions in China.长城是中国最著名的景点之一。

2. Tourist spot / site例句:This temple is a famous tourist spot here, with thousands of visitors every day.这座寺庙是这里一个著名的景点,每天都会吸引成千上万的游客。

4. Landmark例句:The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark of Paris.埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎标志性的地标建筑。

5. Scenic/beauty spot例句:Jiuzhaigou Valley is known for its breathtaking scenery and scenic spots.九寨沟因其壮丽的风景和景色而著称。

6. Historic site例句:We visited many historic sites and learned about ancient civilizations.我们参观了许多历史遗址,了解了古代文明。

7. Cultural attraction例句:The museum is a top cultural attraction with world-class exhibits.这个博物馆是顶级的文化景点,有着一流的展品。

8. Architectural wonder例句:The Taj Mahal in India is an architectural wonder renowned for its beauty.印度的泰姬陵以其建筑美轮美奂而闻名。

9. Natural wonder例句:The Great Barrier Reef is a natural wonder and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.大堡礁是一处自然奇迹,也是联合国教科文组织定的世界遗产。

10. Must-see destination例句:For art lovers, the Louvre is a must-see destination in Paris.对艺术爱好者来说,卢浮宫是巴黎必去的景点。

