简客留学网 移民经验 beware是什么意思,beware造句



back and forthbackwards and forwards; to and from; up and down来来回回地She walked back and forth on the path.她在小径上来回走着。

back awaydraw back ; move backwards后退;移开The crowd backed away to let the queen's carriage pass through.人群退开了,好让女王的车子过去。

back down1.descend backwards背朝后下降He backed down carefully,while I held the ladder for him.我给他扶梯子,他小心地爬下来。

The car at the top of the slope backed slowly down.坡顶上的那辆汽车慢慢地退下来。

2.give away;yield放弃;让步He backed down and accepted our proposal.他放弃了原有想法,接受了我们的建议。

The trade union expects the management to back down. 工会希望资方能够让步。

He was too proud to back down and admit mistakes.他傲气十足,不肯让步和承认错误。

She backed out of her engagement.她不履行婚约。

2.fail to fulfil sth. such as a promise or obligation食言;收回承担的责任He agreed to lend me the money,but backed out later.他答应借钱给我的,可是后来变卦了。

At the last minute, John backed out and refused to go with us.最后一分钟时,约翰变卦了,不同意和我们一起去。

He backed out because there was not much profit in this undertaking.由于这项事业效益不大,他中途退出了。

back up1.drive or move backwards倒车He had to back his car up because the mountain path was too narrow.由于山路太窄,他不得不把车子倒了回来。

2.support 支持I hope you will back me up in this argument.我希望在这场争论中你能支持我。

Nobody backed her up when she protested against the decision.当她反对这项决定时,没人支持她。

3.block; hold up阻塞The vehicles were backed up because of the accident.车辆因交通事故受阻了。

badly offpoor;short of贫穷;缺少My family was badly off in those days.在那些日子里,我家很穷。

The school is now badly off for experienced teachers.这所学校现在缺少有经验的教师。

bang awayshoot continuously连续射击The soldiers were banging away at the target.士兵们不停地向靶子射击。

bang into1.collide with 碰撞He banged into a bus on the street.他在大街上撞到一辆公共汽车上了。

The bus banged into a wall.汽车猛撞到墙上。

2.meet by chance偶然相遇I didn't expect to bang into him again.我没有想到能再次碰到他。

bank on/upondepend on; expect依靠;指望;依赖We'll bank on your support.我们将依靠你的帮助。

Don't bank on others to help you out of trouble.不要指望别人帮助你摆脱困境。

We are banking on the team to do its best in the championship game.我们指望这个队在锦标赛中全力以赴。

bargain away1.continue talking about a price 讨价还价Women like to bargain away in the market.妇女们喜欢在市场上讨价还价。

2.allow sth. to be sold or lost(at a low price)for sth.of little vaLue; lose through bargaining为获取某物廉价出售;通过讨价还价而失掉It was foolish of them to bargain away a vast area of their territory for a sum of money.为了一笔钱,他们竟轻易地放弃了大片领土,真是太蠢了。

He bargained away his property.他贱卖了自己的财产。

bargain for1.try to get sth. at a low price想廉价把…弄到手The man spent hours bargaining for a valuable painting.那人花了好几个小时讨价还价,想把一幅珍贵的绘画弄到手。

2.expect; anticipate期望;预料She found that the trouble she was put to was more than she had bargained for.她发现所遇到的麻烦比预料的还多。

I didn't bargain for what happened.我并未预料到所发生的事情。

base on/uponestablish on ; rest on把…建立在;以…为基础One should always base one's opinion on facts.人们说话应以事实为根据。

be brokebe without money没有钱He couldn't take his sister to the movie last night for the simple reason that he was broke.他昨晚不能带他妹妹去看电影,原因很简单,他没有钱。

We are down for a new council house.我们已登记了市建房屋。

2.be going to ; be heading for要去;动身去I'm for the hills this year.今年我要到山区去。

be in for1.enter for参加(竞争)He will be in for the match.他将参加这场比赛。

2.be due for; be in line for必定会遇到(遭到);即将获得You'll be in for trouble if you don't take my advice.如果不听我的劝告,你非遇到麻烦不可。

He is in for promotion.他即将获得晋升。

be in onbe party to; be fully involved in参与;完全卷入He is in on the whole sordid business.他参与了整个这场肮脏的勾当。

They were de finitely in on the consiracy.他们肯定完全参与了这一阴谋。

I'm sure she's in on their plans.我肯定她跟他们同谋。

She's well in with those people.她跟那些人友好相处。

2.be cancelled被取消The trip was off because of the bad weather.这次旅行因天气不好而被取消了。

3.stay away from work; finish work下班;完工;休假She is off work at eight o'clock tonight.他今晚8点钟下班。

6. be prevented from eating, etc.戒某种食品He's been off alcohol since his illness.他自病后就戒酒了。

7. dislike厌恶I'm off eggs just now;I ate so many last week.我现在厌恶鸡蛋,上周吃得太多了。

This responsibility bears down on him.这个责任沉重地压在他的肩上。

2.defeat战胜;击败His determined efforts at last bore down all his opponents.他坚韧不拔,终于战胜了所有对手。

3.strive harder; intensify one's effort加紧努力She is bearing down in her studies to win a scholarship.为了获得奖学金,她正发奋学习。

The driver bore down with all his strength to control the car when the wheels slipped.当轮子打滑时,司机竭尽全力去控制住汽车。

We must bear down to keep our unbeaten record intact.我们必须努力保持不败的记录。

bear in mindremember; consider记住;考虑You must bear in mind that contradictions exist everywhere.应当记住,矛盾是普遍存在的。

We should bear our family in mind when we make our decisions.我们作决定时必须考虑到家庭。

bear resemblance tobe somewhat like与…相象He bears same resemblance to his father.他有些象他的父亲。

How does his remark bear on the matter?他的话同这件事有什么关系?2.affect sb.(usu. in a bad way)对…有影响;对…施加压力The shortage of oil bears on the life of the people.石油短缺影响了人民生活。

bear outprove or support the truth of证实;证明What you say bears out my argument.你的话证实了我的论点的正确性。

If I tell the judge that I am innocent, can you bear me out?要是我告诉法官我是无辜的,你能为我作证吗?I hope you will bear out what I tell you.我希望你能证实我告诉你的话。

She bears up in face of difficulties.在困难面前她不气馁。

The young girl bore up well after her failure of first jumps.在几次试跳失败之后,那位姑娘表现得十分坚强。

3.remain strong without being broken支撑得住The bridge will bear up well under a tank.即使一辆坦克开上去,这座桥也能承受得了。

He can't bear with faultfinding people.他不能容忍吹毛求疵的人。

There's no bearing with such rude fellows.对这些粗鲁的家伙决不宽容。

beat about/around the bushrefuse to come to the point when speaking about a subject讲话绕圈子;不着正题Don't beat about the bush. Come straight to the point.不要绕圈子,直截了当地说吧。

Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush.他不回答我的问题而是在不着边际地兜圈子。

beat down1.force or persuade sb. to lower his price迫使或劝说(某人)降价;还价At first he asked for fifty pounds,but I beat him down to fortyfive.起初他要50镑,后来我把价杀到45镑。

Can we beat down the price?我们能还价吗?2.crush;pour down摧毁;倾泻于;照射All their defenses were beaten down by the tanks.他们所有的防御工事都被坦克摧毁了。

The crowds stood there for over an hour, with the sun beating down on them.群众站在那里一个多小时,烈日一直照在他们身上。

4.deject使沮丧He was thoroughly beaten down and wretched.他十分沮丧和痛苦。

beat up1.beat severely痛打He told the police that he had been beaten up by two masked men.他告诉警察说两个蒙面人把他痛打了一顿。

They not only robbed the man of his money, but beat him up.他们不仅抢了那人的钱,而且还把他毒打了一顿。

2.mix thoroughly搅拌She beat up me egg in the flour.她把鸡蛋同面粉搅拌匀。

He is beating up cream.他正在搅拌奶油。

3.go against the wind逆风而行The ship was beating up the channel.船在海峡里逆风而行。

4.seek eagerly;gather together 热切地寻找;召集She tried to beat up some support for the campaign she was leading.她努力为自己所领导的运动寻求支持。

They will do their best to beat up customers for their company.他们将尽力为其公司招徕生意。

5.disturb as by a sudden visit惊扰Don't beat up the rabbit.不要惊跑那只兔子。

The enemy were unaware of our closing in until two shots beat them up.敌人没有觉察到我们已经逼近,直到两声枪响震惊了他们。

because ofas a result of; by reason of因为They didn't climb the mountain because of the rain.因为下雨他们没有爬山。

become ofhappen to;be the fate of遭遇;结果What will become of you if you continue such conduct?你要是继续这样干下去,会有什么结局呢?What is to become of me if you go away?要是你走了,我怎么办呢?before longsoon不久;很快Before long,it will be a new year.新的一年很快就要到了。

The book will be published before long.这本书不久就要出版了。

I hope to hear from you before long.我希望不久就能收到你的信。

beg for1.ask humbly for乞怜;乞讨The old man went from house to house,begging for food.老人挨家乞食。

2.make an urgent request for请求;恳求The wounded soldier begged for mercy.那个伤兵恳求宽恕。

He would rather starve to death than shamelessly beg for his life.他宁愿饿死也不无耻求饶。

beg offask to be excused; ask that sb.may be excused or forgiven恳求免除惩罚或责任;为某人求情He promised to go with us,but he has since begged off. 他本来答应跟我们同往,但此后却借故推辞了。

The Headmaster means to punish him, but my father is going to try to beg him off.校长打算处罚他,但我父亲将竭力恳求免除对他处分。

begin withstart with;continue from由…开始The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter.句子的第一个词应以大写字母开头。

I'll ask you to read the poen,beginning with Jane.现在我要请你们读这首诗,从简开始。

Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.先做这个,然后再做其他。

behind schedulelater or slower than planned or expected比计划(预料)要晚(慢)The train was in an hour behind schedule.火车误点一小时到达。

They are behind schedule in building the library.他们建造这座图书馆的进度比预定的要慢。

behind the scenes/curtainout of sight;secretly在幕后;秘密地The treaty was signed behind the scenes.这项协议是秘密签订的。

The real work of the conference is being done behind the curtain.这次会议的实际工作正在幕后进行。

behind timelate; after the stated time迟;在规定时间之后The bus was twenty minutes behind time.汽车晚点20分钟。

behind the timesoldfashioned; not uptodate or modern过时;落伍Keller is a good teacher but he's behind the times. No one uses those methods anymore.凯勒是一个好教师,但是他已经落后了。


I don't believe in him.我不信任他。

He believes very strongly in female emancipation.他坚决主张妇女解放。

I believe in keeping early hours.我相信早睡早起有好处。

She believes in plenty of fresh air and exercise.他相信大量的新鲜空气和锻炼有好处。

belong to1.be the property of属于All power in China belongs to the people.在中国一切权力属于人民。

This old musical instrument has belonged to our family for a long time.我们家拥有这个古老的乐器已有很长时间了。

In our country, land doesn't belong to any individual.在我们国家,土地不属于任何私人所有。

2.be a member of; be connected with为…的成员;同…有关Many people of different political views belong to the club.这个俱乐部里汇集了许多政治观点不同的人。

Over ninetenths of the inhabitants there belong to the Han nationality?那儿十分之九以上的居民属于汉族。

I don't know to which team he belongs.我不知道他是哪个队的成员。

Jack used to be bent on chemistry as a profession.杰克曾经专攻化学。

bend over1.lean towards俯向The doctor bent over the sick child.医生弯腰看那生病的孩子。

2.be turned over翻转Don't bend over the pages.不要卷折书页。

beneficial tohelpful to;useful to有益于;有利于(通常后接非生物性名词)Economic reform is beneficial to the development of our country.经济改革对我国发展有利。

Not all medicines are beneficial to health.不是所有的药都对身体有益。

I believe you'll benefit from your further study.我相信你会从这次进修中学到许多东西的。

beside oneself withat the end of one's control…得发狂;…得要命She was beside herself with joy when she got the letter.收到那封信,她欣喜若狂,高兴得要命。

He was beside himself with grief.他极度悲伤。

Jane has been almost beside herself with toothache,but she will not go to a dentist.简牙痛得要命,可她就是不去看牙医。

The Chinese people are better off today than in the past.现在,中国人民的生活比过去好多了。

When she got home she was not much better off.当她到家的时候,她并没有好转的感觉。

between ourselvesin confidence;between you and me 只限于你我之间;不可外传What we say here is between ourselves.我们在这里所说的话不可对他人说。

bet onrisk money on the result of为…打赌He is going to bet on the white horse.他要在那匹白马身上下赌注。

He bet me ten dollars on John's coming.他认为约翰会来,与我赌10美元。

beware ofbe on one's guard against;be careful of当心;小心Beware of pickpockets when you go shopping.买东西时要当心扒手。

You should beware of repeating the same mistakes.你应当注意不要犯同样的错误。

You must beware of hasty generalizations.你必须注意避免作出轻率结论。

beyond descriptionwonderfully good;not possible to describe 难以形容的;难以描述的The grand sight of the Yellow Mountain is beyond description.黄山的美景非笔墨所能描述。

The film is dull beyond description.这部电影单调极了。

beyond doubtdoubtless 无疑的;一定的Beyond doubt,he is the best student in the class.他无疑是全班最好的学生。

It's beyond doubt that we can overcome all these difficulties under the leadership of our Party.毫无疑问,在党的领导下,我们能战胜所有这些困难。

beyond sb.'s powerout of sb.'s reach是某人力所不及的It is beyond his power to get the work done within a week.他无法在一周内完成这项工作。

beyond/without questionnot to be doubted or disputed毫无疑问;没有争论的余地This university is beyond question one of the best in China.这所大学无疑是中国最好的大学之一。

His drawing is without question the best in the class.他的画无疑是班上最好的。

beyond wordsincapable of being expressed 无法用语言表达The grief is beyond words.悲哀难以用言语表达。

His kindness is beyond words.他的仁慈是无法形容的。

He was touched beyond words.他感动得无法用言语来表达。

bid farewell tosay goodbye to 向…告别She bade farewell to her relatives and friends.她向亲友们告别。

In bidding farewell to him,we requested him to convey our profound feelings to the American people.在向他告别时,我们请他转达我们对美国人民的深厚感情。

big shotimportant person重要人物My friend thinks he's a big shot because he has some responsibilities in the mayor's office.我朋友因为在市长办公室负点责就自认为是个重要人物。

The world is full of people who think that they are big shots,but few ever get into the history books.世界上许许多多的人自认为是重要人物,但是很少一部分人被写入历史书中。

bind overcompel legally to do sth.使…保证做The two men were bound over to keep the peace.这两个人被勒令守法。

The magistrate said,“I shall bind you over to keep the peace.”地方法官说:“我要你遵纪守法。

”bind up1.wrap about 捆扎She expertly bound up the wound.她娴熟地把伤口包了起来。

2.be closely connected with 同…密切相关Her life is bound up in yours now.现在她的生活同你密不可分。

3.be absorbed in 沉缅于;专心干He is completely bound up in the book he is writing.他正潜心写那本书。

4.heal治好Consolation will bind up her broken heart.安慰将会抚平她受伤的心灵。

bite offtake off by biting咬掉;咬断The dog bit off a piece of meat.狗咬掉了一块肉。

He will bite the bullet and make personal sacrifices.他将忍受巨大的痛苦,作出个人牺牲。

black and white1.in writing书面记下We asked the dealer to put down the details of the sale in black and white.我们要求商人把成交的详细项目写下来。

2.showing the pictures in black,white and grey,without additional colours未着色She likes the picture in black and white.她喜欢那幅墨水画。

black out1.darken by putting out or dimming lights so that no light is seen from outside使灯光熄灭(或暗下来);实行灯火管制The city was blacked out during the air raid.空袭期间,全城都实行了灯火管制。

During the war we had to black out all our windows.在战争期间我们不得不把所有的窗户遮暗。

The factory was blacked out due to power failure.这家工厂由于停电一片漆黑。

2.cover(esp.with ink)so as to hide completely;cut out涂掉;删去You had better black out that word.你最好把那个字涂掉。

3.lose consciousness;lose one's memory失去知觉;暂时失去记忆After the accident he blacked out and couldn't remember what happened.事故之后,他晕倒了,记不起发生了什么事。

It had been a hard and tiring day,and she suddenly blacked out.一整天辛苦疲劳后,她突然昏倒了。

blame for consider sb.responsible for;find fault with sb.因…责备(某人)The driver blamed the cyclist for the accident.司机把这次事故归咎于那个骑车人。

The manager blamed the office boy for losing the key.经理责备勤务员丢了钥匙。

The accountant was blamed for the mistake.会计因有错误而受责备。

blame onplace the guilt for(sih.wrong)on (sb.);lay the blame on把责任推到(某人)身上Don't blame it on him,but on me.别怪他,怪我。

He blame his failure on the teacher.他把他的失败归咎于老师。

This entry is to be blanked out.这一条目该划掉。

2.fade;become confused or abstracted渐渐消失;变得糊涂或心不在焉I did not go to sleep until the noise in the street blanked out.街上没有响声以后,我才睡着。

His memory blanks out when he gets excited.他一兴奋就什么也记不得了。

blast off1.raise or remove by an explosion 爆炸;炸毁The explosin blasted the roof off.炮弹把房顶炸飞了。

2.(of a space vehicle)rise into space(火箭,导弹)发射;升空The jet fighters blasted off from the deck of the aircraft carrier.喷气式战斗机从航空母舰的甲板上起飞。

The missile will blast off at 10 a.m.local time.这枚导弹将在当地时间上午10点发射。

3.show ill temper towards sb.对某人发脾气When I entered the room he was blasting off.我进屋时他正在大发雷霆。

The boss blasted off at the staff for poor business.由于生意不好,老板向雇员们发火。

blind tounable to know对…一无所知;看不见;不知晓Man is often blind to his own faults.人们对自己的弱点往往视而不见。

block in1.enclose with blocks;surround 堵塞;包围The space has been blocked in.这块场地被堵塞了。

The car has been blocked in by all those lorries.这辆小车被那些卡车堵住了。

block out1.mark out in blocks标示街区The area has been blocked out,and building will begin soon.这个地区的建筑图纸已经画好,不久就要施工。

2.stop from getting through阻止通过That wall blocks out all the light.那堵墙挡住全部光线。

3.stretch out roughly without details;plan画出…的草图;写出…提纲He's blocked out an outline for his essay.他已经写好了论文提纲。

block upfill up;close up积满;堵塞This pipe is blocked up;there is a piece of wool in it.这根管子被堵塞了,有一片毛织物在里面。

2.develop发展;成长He blossomed out as a firstrate athlete.他锻炼成为第一流的运动员。

She has blossomed out into a lovely young woman.她已长成一个可爱的年轻女子。

blow away(of the wind)cause to move吹走;吹跑The wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away.风刮得很大,几乎把人都卷走了。

blow downcause to fall by blowing;knock down吹倒;摧毁The lamppost was blown down by the gale last night.昨晚电线杆被狂风吹倒了。

The storm blew down many trees.这场风暴刮倒了许多树。

The building was blown down during the war.这幢大楼是在战争中被炸毁的。

blow offremove by explosion or force of wind吹掉;炸掉The wind blew off the roots of many trees.大风把许多树连根拔掉。

blow out1.explode and stop functioning;burst(said generally of tires)爆炸;爆裂(通常指轮胎)Don't pump too much air into the tire,otherwise you blow it out.气别打得太足,否则轮胎会炸掉的。

We arrived late because the front tire blew out on the way.我们迟到了,因为车的前胎在路上爆了。

2.stop burning by blowing吹熄She blew out the candle.她吹灭了蜡烛。

3.stop blowing(风)停止The storm blew itself out after five days.5天后,暴风雨停了。

4.(cause a fuse,a bulb,etc.to)melt(使保险丝、灯泡等)烧断A short circuit suddenly blew out the fuse.短路突然把保险丝烧断了。

An abnormally high lightning current blew out many television sets in the high building.一股超强的闪电电流烧坏了这座高层建筑内的许多电视机。

blow over1.pass;vanish结束;(麻烦、不和等)消失The whole affair has caused a lot of trouble,but after it's blown over,no one will talk about it any more.那件事引起了很多纠纷,但过后便没人再提它了。

I believe your troubles will soon blow over.我相信你的困难不久就会克服掉的。

They had frequent quarrels,but they soon blew over.他们之间常有争吵,但一下子就过去了。

2.stop blowiug(风)息The storm has blown over.暴风雨停了。

blow up1.destroy by explosion炸毁;爆炸There were thousands of passengers in the train when it blew up.那列火车爆炸时,上面有几千名乘客。

The enemy blew up all the bridges in this area.敌人炸毁了这个地区所有的桥梁。

A chemical factory blew up in the city yesterday.昨天,这个城里的一家化工厂发生了爆炸。

2.become suddenly angry突然发怒He blew up at me when I told him that I couldn't do it.当我告诉他我不能做这件事时,他对我大发雷霆。

I'm sorry I blew up at you this morning.很抱歉,今天上午我跟你发了脾气。

4.exaggerate;inflate夸大;吹嘘;吹捧This whole affair has been blown up.整个这件事已经被夸大了。

Don't blow this thing up more than necessary.别过分夸大这件事。

He blows up his boss with flattery.他对他的老板阿谀奉承。

5.increase in size;enlarge放大These prints would look very good blown up.这些图片放大后会非常好看。

He has blown the print up.他已经放大了这张像片。

6.scold scverely怒斥The headmaster blew the boys up about the broken window.校长斥责这些孩子打坏了窗户。

The boss blew Mary up for being late without a good excuse.由于玛丽迟到,又没有适当的理由,老板把她训了一顿。

The teacher blew him up for not doing his homework.老师严厉地批评他未做家庭作业。

blow uponinform against;betray;impair the value of告发;出卖;使…受损害;使…丢脸He blew upon his comrades.他出卖了同志。

Her reputation is blown upon.她威性扫地。

He blundered on the book at a secondhand bookstore last Sunday.上星期天,他无意中在一家旧书店发现了这本书。

blunder oututter stupidly,confusedly or thoughtlessly无意中说出;糊里糊涂地说出;不加思索地说出He blundered out an excuse.他胡乱地编造了一个借口。

She blundered out an apology.她随口说声道歉。

board inenclose or seal with boards;take one's meals at the place where one lives用板封闭;在住宿处搭伙The entrance has been boarded in.入口处用板堵住了。

board outtake one's meal away from the place where one lives在外用膳The boys are boarded out when their parents are abroad.孩子们在父母出国期间在外用膳。

Some of the teachers and staff members board out.有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。

boast of/abouttalk proudly about自夸;炫耀He always boasts of his learning.他常常夸耀自己的学识。

A wise man never boasts of his knowledge.聪明人从不自夸有学问。

boil down1.be reduced by boiling煮浓These apples will soon boil down to jelly.这些苹果不久就会煮成果酱了。

2.be reduced to its real meaning;mean;summarise意味着;归结为;使缩短You can boil down the story to a few sentences.你可以用几句话来概括这个故事。

What the foreign minister said boiled down to the rejection of the proposal.外交部长的话意味着拒绝这项建议。

The whole discussion boils down to the question of whether the government should fix prices.整个讨论归结到政府是否应当规定价格。

boil overoverflow by boiling煮沸溢出Turn off the gas.The milk is boiling over.关上煤气,牛奶溢出来了。

book downregister登记下来Every sum of money paid or received must be booked down immediately.支出或收入的每一笔款都必须立即记账。

I booked you in at that hotel.我为你在那家旅店订了房间。

book upmake reservations of seats,tickets,etc.;be engaged previously预定座位、车船票等It is always advisable to book up as far in advance as possible,especially in the rush.尤其是旺季,最好要尽可能地提前预定车船票。

The theater is booked up for every evening this week except Friday.除了星期五外,这个剧院本周的晚场票都预定完了。

border on/uponbe next to;come close to接近;毗邻China borders on Mongolia to the north.中国的北方同蒙古接邻。

born ofowing origin to;owing existence to 出身于;源于She was born of Russiaon parents.她的父母是俄国人。

bottle up1.restrain(anger,feeling,etc.)抑制(愤怒、感情等)There was no understanding person to talk to,so he bottled up his unhappy feelings.既然没有可以相互理解的人谈心里话,他只好把不悦之情闷在心里。

The tension in the family is caused by everyone bottling up their feelings.家庭的紧张关系是因为大家把不悦之情闷在心里所造成的。

Don't bottle it up;speak out.不要闷在心里,都说出来。

2.entrap;enclose 使陷入困境;包围Our warships bottled up the enemy fleet in the harbour.我们的舰队把敌舰封锁在港内。

The enemy was bottled up like turtles in a jar.敌人被围困得象瓮中之鳖。

bound for1.going in the direction of 开往;驶向The ship is bound for Wuhan.这船是开往武汉的。

2.intending to go to准备到…去Where are they bound for?他们要到哪里去?They are bound for Northeast China to clear the wild land.他们正准备去东北开垦荒原。

bound to1.under the obligation;obliged有义务的;受到约束的We are bound to help them overcome the difficulties.我们有义务帮助他们克服困难。

2.sure to;determined to 一定的;决心要Are you bound to stay at the office so late?你必须在办公室呆到这么晚吗?The girl is bound to win a prize medal.这女孩决心要获得奖章。

Under the leadership of the Party,the Chinese people are bound to win the victory.在党的领导下,中国人民必定取得胜利。

He is bound to succeed in doing the experiment.他一定会试验成功。

3.destined for驶往She stood on the seaside,watching the ships bound to distant lands.她站在海边,目送船舶驶向遥远的国度。

He is bound up in his wife and children.他埋头于自己的小家庭。

The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.个人福利与社会福利息息相关。

bow down1.weigh down;cause sth.to bend 压弯The apple tree is bowed down with the weight of its fruit.果实累累,压弯了苹果树。

2.cause sb.to suffer 使…遭受;使…受折磨On hearing of her father's death she was bowed down with grief.接到父亲去世的噩耗,她悲痛万分。

He was bowed down with troubles.他困难重重,精神不振。

3.admit defeat;give way;make sb.yield to 认输;低头;使某人屈服He has always refused to bow down to tyranny,wealth or power.他从来没有向暴政、财富或权力低过头。

bow outdissociate;disengage 放弃;退出He decided to bow out now instead of fighting to keep his position.他决定放弃这个职位,而不再为之奋斗下去。

He bowed out of the semifinals when he hurt his leg.他的一条腿受了伤,退出了半决赛。

bow to1.bend at the waist in a humble manner 向…鞠躬All the people in the court bowed to the queen when she entered.女王进来时,宫中所有的人都向她鞠躬致意。

2.obey;comply with;be defeated in a contest 服从;屈从;败于I will bow to the decision of the committee though I disagree with it.我虽然不同意委员会作出的决定,但我还是会服从的。

He bowed to his opponents in the semifinals.他在半决赛中败于对手。

break away1.come apart;come into pieces破裂;裂开The wings of the plane broke away in midair,so the plane crashed.机翼在半空中裂开,所以飞机失事了。

2.escape;rebel 逃跑;反叛The criminal broke away from the policemen.罪犯从警察手中逃走了。

I imagine he will try to break away.我想他会设法逃跑。

3.end one's connection with脱离(社团、政党等);断绝关系The state has broken away from the union.这个州已经脱离了联邦政府。

He broke away from his family and went abroad.他与家庭断绝了关系,到国外去了。

4.get rid of;abandon 放弃;解除You should break away from such bad habits.你应该改掉这样的坏习惯。

We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible.我们必须打破常规,尽量采用先进技术。

break down1.destroy;reduce sth.to pieces 毁掉;打破The police broke the door down.警察破门而入。

2.crush;defeat镇压;制服They broke down all opposition.他们压倒了所有的对手。

3.stop functioning(generally of motors and similar mechanical objects)坏了;出毛病(尤指发动机、机器等)The car broke down on the way to the airport.车子在去机场的路上抛锚了。

The lift broke down,so we had to walk up the stairs.电梯坏了,我们只好走上楼去。

4.fail to carry out(plans,negotiations,etc.);come to nothing失败(指无结果中断计划、谈判等);坚持不下去The plan was good,but it broke down,because people were unwilling to cooperate.计划是好的,但由于人们不愿合作,还是失败了。

I expect the negotiations to break down soon.我预料谈判不久就会中断。

5.burst into tears;lose control 禁不住痛哭;(身体、精神)垮了When he heard his sentence,the man broke dewn.听到判决,那人不禁号啕大哭。

Your health will break down if you work too hard.太劳累的话,你身体会垮的。

He tried to cope with the everincreasing burden of his work,but finally he broke down and had to take a complete rest.他设法应付日益加重的工作负担,但最后身体垮了,不得不全休。

6.separate into parts;take apart;analyse 分解;分析Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.水可以分解为氢和氧。

I want you to break this data down.我想请你分析一下这个资料。

break in1.enter by force,usn.unlawfully 闯入A thief broke in during the night and stole all his money.盗贼夜间闯了进来,偷走了他所有的钱。

Many students broke in the door of the burning laboratory.许多学生破门进入失火的实验室。

2.interrupt 插嘴Don't break in when your teacher is speaking.当你的老师说话的时候不要插嘴。

While I was explaining my point of view,he broke in to argue with me.正当我在解释我的观点时,他插进来和我争论。

3.train;tame 训练The horse has been well broken in.这匹马受过良好的训练。

That PLA man is much noted for his skill in breaking in horses.那个解放军战士以善于驯马而出名。

4.help adjust;adjust through usage sth.which is new and stiff 使适应新工作;使新物品逐渐合用I'll give you an easy job just to break you in to the work.先让你干点容易的事情,以便适应工作。

Our new teachers are breaking in well.我们的新教师正在逐渐适应工作。

He is broken in to the new work.他已经适应了新的工作。

These new shoes are hurting me.I'll be glad when they are broken in.这双新鞋穿上紧脚不舒服,等穿到合脚时我会很高兴的。

break into1.divide 分成Alice broke the chocolate into pieces,one for each person.爱丽丝把巧克力分成小块,每人一块。

2.enter by force 闯入The policeman found that the house had been broken into and a quantity of jewellery stolen.警察发现有人闯入室内,盗走一批珠宝。

The thieves planned to break into the bank.小偷预谋闯进这家银行。

3.burst into;begin suddenly 突然…起来Jack broke into laughter.杰克突然大笑起来。

At this point even the interpreter broke into weeping.到这时连翻译都哭泣起来了。

4.interrupt 打断Don't break into their conversation;they are discussing something important.不要打断他们的谈话,他们正在讨论重要的事情。

They were so hungry that they couldn't help breaking into their emergency supplies of food and water.他们饿极了,不得不动用应急食物和饮水。

I can't take on any extra work;my spare time has been broken into far too much as it is.我不能再承担任何额外的工作,就现在这样我的业余时间已经占用得过多了。

Housework has broken into a lot of my time.家务事已占用了我很多时间。

break looseescape;become free or loose 摆脱;脱开The criminal broke loose from the police and ran into the woods.罪犯挣脱警察,逃进了树林。

During the storm,the boat broke loose from its mooring.刮风暴时,船脱开了缆绳。

break off1.separate by breaking 弄碎;折掉He broke off a piece of chocolate and offered it to me.他掰开一块巧克力递给了我。

2.(relationship,agreement)end or terminate suddenly(关系、协议等)突然结束;解除The two countries broke off their relations last month.这两个国家上个月中断了外交关系。

The girl broke off her engagement last week.这个女孩上周解除了婚约。

3.stop speaking;cease suddenly 中止(谈话);突然停止We had to break off our discussion because it was getting late.时间晚了,我们不得不中断讨论。

The conference broke off at noon.中午休会。

Bill broke off in the middle of his speech because of shouts of protest from the audience.彼尔在听众的一片抗议声中中断了发言。

4.stop working for a short time 工间休息Let's break off for ten minutes.我们休息10分钟吧。

The whole cast broke off for coffee in the middle of the rehearsal.在排练当中全体演员休息了一会喝咖啡。

Her intrusion broke off our conversation.她闯进来打断了我们的谈话。

break/eat one's wordgo back on one's word;fail to fulfil a promise or obligation食言A man who often breaks his word is one not to be trusted.一个常常食言的人是不可信赖的人。

Don't believe him;he always breaks his word.不要相信他,他总是食言。

break out1.occur suddenly 爆发;(突然)发生The Second World War broke out in September,1939.第二次世界大战于1939年9月爆发。

A fire broke out in this hotel last night.昨晚这家旅馆发生了火灾。

The economic crisis broke out first in the United States.经济危机首先在美国爆发。

Fighting has broken out on the border and is expected to continue until a settlement is reached.战斗在边界打响了,预料会继续下去直到问题得到解决。

He spent several months in a Nazi concentration camp before he broke out.他在纳粹集中营里关了几个月后逃了出来。

She broke out in tears.她突然哭了起来。

He broke out:“That is not so!”他猛然吼道:“并不是这么回事。

”He is liable to break out into furious passions.他很容易暴跳如雷。

break through1.break a way through;overcome 突破;冲破;克服The allied forces soon broke through the enemy's defence line.联军很快就突破了敌人的防线。

We broke through countless enemy encirclements and blockades until we finally reached northern Shanxi.我们突破了敌人无数次的包围和封锁,最后到达了陕北。

All difficulties can be broken through.一切困难都能战胜。

Scientists hope to break through soon in their fight against heart disease.科学家们希望不久在治疗心脏病方面有所突破。

He failed many times but he finally broke through to find a successful polio vaccine.他失败了许多次,但最终成功地发现了预防小儿麻痹症的疫苗。

3.make an appearance出现A little later the sun broke through the clouds.一会儿太阳就钻出了云层。

He can break up that stone with his hand.他用手能打碎那块石头。

2.end for a holiday(学校期终)放假The boys will break up for the Christmas vacation next week.孩子们下周放圣诞假。

When does the school break up for the summer holidays?学校什么时候放暑假?We break up on July 25th.我们7月25日放假。

3.end;stop 结束;停止The party broke up at midnight.晚会在午夜结束。

What time is the meeting expected to break up?会议可望在几点钟结束?He broke up the fight between the two gangs.他制止了两伙人打架。

A fight started in that street last night,so the police were called in to break it up.昨晚在那条马路上发生了一起斗殴事件,人们把警察叫来制止。

4.become weak;upset completely (指人)身体衰弱;完全搅乱He may break up under all these troubles.遇到这么多麻烦,他可能会垮下来。

This trouble has really broken him up.这件麻烦事确实使他心烦意乱。

5.lose or destroy spirit or selfcontrol精神崩溃(常用于被动语态)She was all broken up after her daughter's death,and did not go out of the house for two months.她在女儿死后精神崩溃了,有两个月没有出家门。

6.stop being friends;separate绝交Mary and John were good friends,but then they had a quarrel and broke up.玛丽和约翰原来是好朋友,但后来吵了一架便绝交了。

break with1.cease one's association or friendship 同…断绝关系He advised her to break with her boyfriend.他劝她和她的男友断绝关系。

He broke with his former friends when he became rich.当他成了有钱人时,就同以前的朋友断绝了关系。

2.discontinue a practice or a habit 放弃(行为、习惯)It is not easy for the old to break with their old ideas.老年人放弃旧观点是不容易的。

breathe out1.exhale;emit by breathing 呼气;呼出He breathed out.他呼了口气。

He breathed out whisky fumes.他呼出一股威士忌酒气。

2.whisper 低声说出He breathed out the secret.他低声地说出了这个秘密。

He breathed out their names just before he died.他临死前低声说出了他们的名字。

bridge overovercome;link with a bridge 克服;度过;搭桥通车This sum of money is sure to bridge over their difficulties.这笔钱肯定会帮助他们度过难关的。

The river has been bridged over.河上已架起了桥。

bring aboutproduce;cause to arise or happen 产生;导致;促成Many new changes will be brought about in China's industry.中国的工业将产生许多新的变化。

I offered to act as mediator and try to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties.我自愿担任调解人,试图使争执双方和解。

The accident was brought about by John's carelessness.这场事故是由于约翰的粗心造成的。

bring alongcarry 带着Why don't you bring your gun along with you?We'll perhaps go hunting.你为什么不把枪带来?我们也许会去打猎的。

bring around/round1.persuade sb.to change his opinion劝告某人改变主意At first he stuct to his own opinion stubbornly but we brought him around to our way of thinking.开始他顽固地坚持自己的意见,但最后我们使他接受了我们的思路。

We must bring them around to our point of view.我们必须劝告他们接受我们的观点。

In a strike situation,workers try to bring the management around to their view by refusing to work.罢工时,工人们企图通过拒绝上班来迫使资方接受他们的要求。

2.bring sb.to an agreed place 带某人到(约定的场所)He brought the visitors around to the exhibition hall.他把参观者带到了展览厅。

3.cause to recover from fainting or illness 使苏醒;使复原Two girls fainted in the heat but we soon brought them around.有两个女孩因中暑昏过去了,可是我们很快便使她们恢复了知觉。

The doctor brought the man round shortly after the accident.医生在事故发生后不久就使那人苏醒过来了。

bring back1.return 送还;归还;退还These books must be brought back within a week.这些书必须在一周内送还。

If you don't like the dress you bought,you can always bring it back.如果你不喜欢你买的衣服,你随时都可以退回来。

bring down1.reduce;make low 减少(价格);使跌落After much hard bargaining he brought the trader down to $100for the carpet.经过激烈的讨价还价之后,他使卖主的地毯降到100美元。

Some countries demand to bring down the price of petroleum.一些国家要求降低石油价格。

Sellers at last agreed to bring down the prices by 5%.卖方最终同意降低5%的价格出售。

2.defeat;cause to come down 推翻;击落The opposition party planned to bring the government down.反对党谋划推翻政府。

This scandal could well bring him down.这件丑事很有可能使他垮台。

He brought down 9 enemy aircraft during the Korean War.在朝鲜战场上他击落了9架敌机。

Even the failure did not bring him down.甚至失败也没有使他沮丧。

bring forth1.produce 生产;产生;提出His vegetable garden brings forth a great number of watermelons every year.他的菜园里每年生产大量的西瓜。

He brought forth a new plan,just as unworkable as the old one.他提出了一个新计划,跟老计划一样行不通。

2.give rise to 引起Idleness and luxury bring forth poverty and want.懒惰和奢侈导致贫困和匮乏。

Polluted water might bring forth a host of diseases.污染的水可能会引起许多疾病。

His carelessness brought forth an accident.他的粗心大意惹出了意外事故。

3.reveal泄露Don't bring forth the secret.切勿泄露这个秘密。

bring forward1.introduce;propose提出She brought forward a new proposal.她提出了一项新的建议。

The matter will be brought forward at the next meeting.这个问题将在下次会上提出来。

This warm weather will bring the crops forward.这种暖和的天气会促使庄稼早熟。

bring home tomake realize;persuade sb.to believe使明白;使相信You must bring home to John where the difficulties lie.你必须使约翰认识到困难所在。

Its importance has been brought home to me very strongly.我已非常深刻地认识到它的重要性。

We should bring home to the public mind the practical importance of practising economy.我们应使公众清楚地认识到勤俭节约的重要性。

How can we bring home to him the seriousness of his conduct?我们怎样才能使他清楚地认识到他的行为所导致的严重后果呢?bring in1.gather(crop)收(庄稼)The farmers are busy bringing in the wheat.农民们正忙着收小麦。

2.introduce引入,引进(话题、风尚等);提出(法案)The newcomers bring in new customs and new habits.新来者带来新风俗、新习惯。

They've brought in experts to advise on the scheme.他们请来了专家当该项目的顾问。

The government has brought in a bill to deal with the matter.政府通过了一项法案来处理那个问题。

3.give a verdict判决The jury brought him in guilty.陪审团判他有罪。

4.yield(a profit)赚;赢In addition to his salary,he has investments which bring in about five hundred pounds a year.除了工资外,他的投资每年还有大约500英镑的红利。

The new government of that country is too disorganized to bring its problems into focus and slove them.那个国家的新政府组织能力太差,根本不能把它的问题搞清楚并且解决好。

bring into forcecause sth.such as law to begin to operate使生效The new law will be brought into force from July.新的法律将从7月开始生效。

He brought all his strength into play to move the rock.他使出全身力气来搬走那块石头。

bring into the openreveal;expose(a secret)揭露;揭示;公布于众The police investigation brought the crime into the open.警察的调查揭露了犯罪事实。

The husband brought his feelings about their marriage into the open.丈夫公布了他对于他们婚事的看法。

bring off1.carry away;rescue 运走;救出They brought off all the fishermen on board a sinking boat floating adrift in the sea.他们把飘浮在海上的一艘沉船上的渔民全部救了出来。

The lifeboat brought off most of the crew.救生船抢救出了大部分船员。

2.succeed in;complete successfully 成功地完成He brought the deal off in a spectacular way.他惊人地完成了这项交易。

The plan will probably encounter a great deal of opposition,but with tactics and patience I think we'll be able to bring it off.这项计划可能遭到许多反对,但是凭着机智和耐心,我想我们会成功的。

He has brought all the trouble on himself.麻烦都是他自找的。

The rain helped to bring on the crops.这场雨有助于农作物的生长。

He brought on the guest speaker to the audience.他向听众介绍了请来的演讲人。

bring out1.reveal clearly;present;bring to light;develop暴露;显露;发展,发挥Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities.艰难困苦方能显示出一个人的优秀品质。

The teacher helped to bring out the meaning of the poem.教师帮助阐释这首诗的含义。

This kind of work brings out the best in him.这种工作最能发挥他的才干。

2.publish;produce or sell出版;发行They try to bring out one new book each month.他们争取每月出版一本新书。

An old college friend of mine has brought out a book on English poetry.我大学期间的一位老朋友出版了一本英文诗歌方面的书。

3.produce生产They are bringing out a new brand of soap powder next month.他们要在下月投放市场一种新牌洗衣粉。

The factory is bringing out a new type of recorder.这家工厂正在生产一种新型录音机。

bring over1.cause(sb.)to come with one 带某人来She has just brought her family over from Shanghai.她刚把她一家从上海接来。

It was brought over from China to Japan.它是从中国传入日本的。

2.convert(sb.)to a different way of thinking,to a cause,etc.使某人改变想法With some difficulty,I brought my son over to my way of thinking.经过一番努力,我终于使我儿子同意我的看法。

They tried their best to bring the engineer over to their side.他们竭尽全力把工程师争取到他们这边来了。

It was courage and confidence that brought us through the crisis.是勇气和信心使我们度过了困境。

He brought his party through without accidents.他顺利地结束了他的聚会,没有发生任何意外事故。

bring to1.restore to consciousness 苏醒They threw some cold water over her head to bring her to.他们在她头上撒了一些冷水使她苏醒过来。

I once brought a fellow to that was drowned.我有一次曾经把一个溺水的人救活。

He will soon be brought to.他会很快被救醒过来。

The doctor has brought him to by artificial respiration.医生用人工 呼吸使他恢复了知觉。

2.bring(a ship)to a stop使(船)停下The ship was finally brought to after a stormy voyage.船在暴风雨中航行了一段时间后终于停了下来。

The sailors brought their ship to by dropping the anchor.水手们抛锚停船。

bring to an endend;conclude 使…结束The teacher brought the discussion to an end.老师中止了这场讨论。

I hope we'll bring our quarrel to an end as soon as possible.我希望我们尽快结束这场争吵。

bring to lightdisclose;reveal暴露出;揭发The trial brought to light many unknown details of the crime.这次审讯揭露了许多未被人发现的与这罪行有关的细节。

After several months'investigation,the special committee brought to light some facts unknown to the outside world.经过数月的调查,特别委员会揭露了一些鲜为人知的事实。

bring under1.gain control of;defeat控制;压制;镇压The firemen soon brought the fire under control.消防队不久就把大火扑灭了。

Those who opposed his wishes were brought under.所有违背他意愿的人都遭到了镇压。

2.include in 包括在内Your suggestions can be brought under four headings.你的建议可包括在4个标题内。

bring up1.raise from childhood;educate 抚育;教育We must train and bring up millions of successors to out revolutionary cause.我们必须培养和造就千百万革命事业的接班人。

That child is very badly brought up.那孩子的教养很差。

His father believed in bringing him up the hard way.他父亲主张对他管教要严。

The couple brought up many children of the martyrs.这对夫妇养育了许多烈士的后代。

2.mention or present for attention or consideration提出(让人注意或考虑)Your suggestion will be brought up at the mext meeting.你的建议将在下次会议上提出来讨论。

In the course of study they brought up many questions.在学习过程中他们提出了很多问题。

Please bring your plan up at the meeting.请将你的计划在会上提出来。

3.cause to stop使…停下The captain was able to bring the ship up just before it hit a huge rock.在即将撞上巨石的关头,船长把船停了下来。

4.vomit呕吐Martin has been bringing up all morning.马丁整个早上都在呕吐。

brush asideput away from;treat lightly;ignore;refuse to consider扫除(障碍);漠视;轻视;不予理睬He brushed all obstacles aside on his way forward.他扫除了前进道路上的一切障碍。

She brushed aside all difficulties and in the end succeeded.她藐视一切困难,最后终于成功了。

Brushing aside all opposition,he put the matter to a vote.他不顾一切反对意见,把那件事付诸表决了。

I don't like being brushed aside like this.我不喜欢让人家这样瞧不起。

brush awaytreat as neither important nor desirable 既不重视也不觉得称心He brushed the whole business away.他对整个事情不予理会。

You can't just brush away our opinions.你不能这样置我们的意见而不顾。

brush off1.remove with a brush;disappear or come off as a result of being brushed 刷去;刷落She brushed off the dust on her shoes.她刷去鞋子上的灰尘。

Don't worry,the dirt will brush off easily.别着急,这脏东西很容易刷掉。

He brushed the hairs off.她把身上的头发刷去了。

I invited him to watch an opera with me yesterday,but he brushed me off.昨天我邀请他同我一起去看戏,但是他毫不客气地拒绝了。

I didn't expect her to brush us off like this.我没有料到她会这样拒绝我们。

He cut his finger but he brushed it off and kept on working.他划破了手指,但他若无其事地继续工作。

brush over1.brush fully 全刷;刷遍I brushed the coat over.我把大衣全刷了一下。

2.treat lightly;almost ignore 轻率对待;几乎忽视He brushed over the details of the policy.他忽视了政策的细节。

He said he had to brush up on his history before the examination.他说他得在考试前复习历史。

brush up against1.encounter 碰到He has brushed up against trouble.他碰到了麻烦。

She never loses heart when she brushes up against setbacks.她遭受挫折时从不灰心。

2.touch lightly 轻轻触到I brushed up against her unintentionally.我无意间轻轻碰了她。

bubble overbe so filled with sth.as to be unable to restrain it from escaping 洋溢;抑制不住She came back bubbling over with new ideas.她带着满脑子的新想法回来了。

build inenclose in;fix in(in a permanent way)嵌入;(永久)固定The cupboards are built in to the walls of the house.橱柜镶在屋子里的墙上。

It is not difficult to build wardrobes in if you want them.你想把衣柜镶在墙里,那并不难。

Yesterday he bought a transistor radio with an aerial built in.昨天他买了一架带天线的半导体收音机。

build on1.look to;rely on 依靠;依赖;指望I'll build on your support.我将依靠你的帮助。

Don't build too much on his promise.不要过多地指望他的许诺。

2.bottom on;be on the basis of以…为基础We must develop our national economy by building on the development of agriculture.我们必须在发展农业的基础上,发展国民经济。

3.add on as a new part 加建一个新的部分We can build an extension on later if you want one.如果你想要,我们以后可以扩建一间房子。

The enemy are building up their offensive capacity along the border.敌人正在边界一带增强他们的进攻能力。

2.amass;accumulate gradually 聚积Tension is building up in this area.这个地区的局势日趋紧张。

Clouds are building up over the sea.在海面上空,聚集着一片乌云。

3.restore sb.'s strength or physique after an illness;develop恢复健康;发育Every morning he spends 45 minutes doing physical exercises to build up his health.每天早晨他花45分钟锻炼身体,以增强体质。

He has built up a remarkable physique by following these exercises.他通过这些锻炼练出了非常健康的体格。

Good food builds up the body.好食品能促进健康。

4.acquire;increase in fame 取得;使…逐渐出名He has built up his reputation.他使自己逐渐出了名。

bump into1.meet by chance 偶然遇到I bumped into an old friend in town today.我今天在城里偶然碰到了一位老朋友。

2.strike or knock against violently猛击,猛撞He bumped into a wall as he hurried along not watching his steps.他匆匆赶路,不小心撞在一堵墙上。

burn awaycontinue burning 不断地燃烧The forest fire burned away for days.森林大火一连烧了好多天。

burn down1.burn completely 把…烧成平地;烧掉The building was burned down last week.这幢大楼是上周烧毁的。

burn out1.destroy by burning 烧掉(家、店、财产等)The fire burned out his shop and left him deep in debt.火烧掉了他的商店,使他负债累累。

2.(electrical equipment)stop functioning;become useless 烧坏(电灯泡、电器)The electric light bulb is burnt out.电灯泡烧坏了。

There are no lights in the house.Perhaps a fuse has burned out.屋里没灯,可能是保险丝烧坏了。

3.die;burn to an end(炉火等)烧尽;燃完The oil lamp has burned out.煤油灯的油燃尽了。

4.wear out or cause to wear out through overwork 因工作过度等而垮下;精疲力尽You'll burn yourself out if you go on working at this rate.如果你继续这样干下去的话,你的身体会垮掉的。

He was burnt up about the matter.他为这件事大发雷霆。

3.burn completely;consume entirely 烧完The fire burned up a number of valuable manuscripts.那场火烧掉了一批珍贵的手稿。

The house burned up before the firemen got there.消防队员到达前,房子已烧光了。

They had to burst the door in because they had lost the key.他们丢了钥匙,只好破门而入。

2.interrupt 打断Father told his son not to burst in while adults are talking.父亲叫他儿子不要打断大人的谈话。

3.appear suddenly 突然出现He'll be bursting in upon us at any moment.他会随时突然出现在我们面前。

We were talking about him when he burst in.我们正谈到他时,他突然来了。

2.begin suddenly 突然开始;突然…起来The audience burst into applause.观众突然报以热烈的掌声。

Mary burst into laughter.玛丽突然大笑起来。

The sad story made the girl burst into tears.悲惨的故事使那女孩突然哭起来。

burst outbegin doing sth.suddenly 突然…起来Everyone was quiet when John suddenly burst out laughing.大家都很安静,突然约翰大笑起来。

Every time she thought about him she burst out crying.每当想起他,她就会突然哭起来。

He busied himself in the garden.他忙着在花园里干活。

2.hide in a place 隐居;隐藏The old poet buried himself in the countryside.老诗人隐居在乡间。

She was busy day and night with her research work.她日夜忙着做她的研究工作。

buy offbribe 贿赂The criminal tried to buy off the policemen.那个罪犯试图贿赂警察。

I don't like the way they are trying to buy me off—there must be something suspicious going on.我不喜欢他们这样想方设法买通我,其中定有某种可疑之事。

buy overbribe;win over by paying money收买He was quite mistaken if he thought he could buy me over.如果他认为他可以收买我,那就大错特错了。

He seems to think he can buy us over very cheaply.他们似乎认为可以轻易地收买我们。

buy upobtain by buying as widely as possible 全买;尽可以多地买进;囤积The speculators are trying to buy up the supplies of raw materials.投机商正在大肆囤积原材料。

by accidentby chance;accidentally;unexpectedly 偶然地;意外地Columbus discovered America by accident.哥伦布偶然发现了新大陆。

I met her by accident in the street.我在街上偶然碰到了她。

by all means1.of course;certainly;definitely当然;必定I said I would come straight to the point.“By all means,”he replied.我说,我想要直截了当地谈。


2.trying every means possible;at all costs 竭力;务必;无论如何He will try to get the work done by all means.他会竭尽全力完成那件工作的。

He felt that he should by all means warn his friend.他感到他无论如何要警告他的朋友。

by all oddswithout question 无疑地By all odds we should win the game,because the other team is so weak.毫无疑问,我们应该赢这场比赛,因为对方太弱了。

by and bysoon;before long 不久Things are bound to get better by and by.情况不久就会好起来的。

The boy said he would do his homework by and by.这男孩说他一会儿就做作业。

by and largeon the whole;in general 总的说来;大体上说By and large,your suggestion is a good one.总的说来,你的建议是好的。

By and large,you'll live longer if you try to be more easygoing about life.大体上可以说,如果你对待生活能宽容随和的话,你就会活得长一些。

by any meansin any way possible 无论用什么办法He said he would attend the seminar by any means.他说他无论如何也要参加这次学术讨论会。

by chanceby accident;unexpectedly 偶然地;意外地It happened by chance.这是偶然发生的。

The apple fell by chance on Bobby's head.苹果碰巧掉在鲍比的头上。

by comparisoncompared with 相比较This film is a greater success than that one by comparison.相比之下,这部电影比那部更为成功。

This one is really cheaper by comparison.相比之下,这个确实便宜。

by dayduring the day 白天He works in the factory by day and writes at home by night.他白天在工厂上班,晚上在家写作。

by degreesgradually;step by step 逐渐地;慢慢地The days are getting colder by degrees.天气渐渐冷起来了。

Their friendship grew by degryees into love.他们的友谊逐渐发展为爱情。

We gained our experience by degrees.我们的经验是逐渐获得的。

by designon purpose;as planned 故意地;有意地I don't know whether he did it by accident or design.She told me that he did it by design.我不知道他做这事是偶然的还是故意的,她说他是故意的。

by dint ofthrough;as a result of 通过;用…办法The country boy succeeded by dint of persistent efforts.那个农村孩子经过坚韧不拔的努力而获得成功。

by expressby rapid method of conveyance 快件邮寄She sent a letter by express.她用快件寄了一封信。

by far1.evidently;clearly 明显地He is by far the best student in this class.他显然是这个班里最优秀的学生。

2.by a large amount or degree;very much 甚为Books are by far the most lasting products of human effort.书籍是人类最持久的财富。

The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part,during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.这后半航程更为艰险,在此期间,他绕过了险情四伏的合恩角。

by fits and startsirregularly;at intervals;without steady application 断断续续地;不持久地;无恒心地You will never get anywhere if you study just by fits and starts.如果你断断续续地学习,你将一事无成。

He failed to get a fixed job,but went here and there working by fits and starts.他只是断断续续地一会儿在这儿干,一会又在那儿干,从没有一份固定的工作。

Nothing great can be done by fits and starts.没有恒心,任何大事都不可能干出来。

by forcecompelling;by violent means 强迫;用暴力争取The police took his property by force.警察抢走了他的财产。

by halfvery 十分地He is clever by half.他十分聪明。

by halvesimcompletely;imperfectly 不完全地;不完善地We do nothing by halves.我们做事从不半途而废。

He does everything by halves.他做事总是敷衍了事。

The habit of doing things by halves would make you accomplish nothing all your life.半心半意地做事会使你终身一事无成。

by hand1.using one's own hand rather than some form of machinery 手工做的The peasants use tractors to pull the plough and milk their cows by hand.农民用拖拉机耕田,用手挤奶。

2.personally 亲自The letter should be delivered by hand.此信必须由专人送去。

by heartby memory 记住;背会He can learn 100 new words by heart in one hour.他一小时能背100个单词。

by landby a land route 由陆路“Do you know whether she went to Shanghai by land or sea?”“By land,”he replied.你知道她是由陆路还是海路去上海的?“陆路,”他回答说。

He made progress in English by leaps and bounds.他在英语学习上取得了飞快的进步。

by lotby a chance procedure 由抽签决定The study groups were divided by lot.学习小组是以抽签的方式划分的。

by means ofwith the help of;by using sth.or some method 利用He recovered by means of seaair and seabathing.他通过呼吸海边的空气和洗海水浴恢复了健康。

They succeeded by means of perseverance.他们依靠坚持而成功。

The thief entered the house by means of a ladder.小偷用一个梯子进了房间。

by mistakeunintentionally;as a result of misjudgement or carelessness 错误地I took his book by mistake.我错拿了他的书。

by nameusing name or names 就名字;凭名字I still can't call every student in the class by name.我还叫不出这个班每个学生的名字。

I only know him by name.我只是听说过他的名字。

by naturearising from one's nature 天生地;天性He is by nature kind and generous.他是个天生仁慈和宽宏大量的人。

She is narrowminded by nature.她天生小心眼。

That man is proud by mature.那人天生骄傲。

by no meansin no way;not at all;of course not决不Our government adheres to the principle that we will by no means be the first to use nuclear weapons.我国政府坚持在任何情况下决不首先使用核武器的原则。

I am by no means interested in the work.我对这件工作一点也不感兴趣。

He will by no means lend you the money.他决不会把钱借给你的。

by oneselfwithout help;alone 独自地;单独地She felt very sad and lonely by herself.她独自一人感到忧伤寂寞。

He painted the door by himself.他自己把门漆好了。

by the dayaccording to the number of days given to work 按日(计工等)They are paid not by the day but by the month.他们是按月而不是按天计酬的。

The secretary works so hard that her working time can hardly be counted by the day.这位秘书工作十分努力,她的工作时间很难按天数来计算。

The young man writes under the name of Xue Song.那个青年以雪松这个笔名写作。

by turnsone after another;in order 轮流;按顺序The two brothers looked after their sick mother by turns.兄弟俩轮流照看生病的母亲。

She was laughing and crying by turns for nearly half an hour.她一会儿哭,一会儿笑,差不多有半个小时。

by virtue ofbecause of;by reason of 因为;由于He rose high in society by virtue of his talent and learning.他因其才华和学识而飞黄腾达。

He was promoted by virtue of his abilities.他凭他的能力而获得了提升。

They won the day,but only by virtue of hard fighting.他们完全是靠艰苦奋斗才获胜的。

by way of1.via 经由She went to Canada by way of Shanghai.她经过上海去加拿大。

2.as a kind of;in the way of 当作He said something by way of greeting.他说了几句话表示欢迎。

I offered her a pair of shoes by way of thanks.我送她一双鞋以表谢意。

