简客留学网 移民政策 promote promote的用法和短语

promote promote的用法和短语


promote和increase都好promote释义v.促进;促销;晋升;使…升级过去式: promoted过去分词: promoted 现在分词: promoting第三人称单数: promotesincrease释义:v. 增加;增大;提高;增强n. 增加;增多;增长n. (Increase) (英、美、印、尼日尼亚)英克里斯(人名)例句:Our salary increased last month.我们上个月的工资增加了。词组:increase in(使)在…增加;(使)在…增大increase production增产increase by增加了;按…增长price increase价格上涨;提价on the increase正在增加


promote 英[prəˈməʊt] 美[prəˈmoʊt]vt.促进;提升;升迁;发起;促销,推销第三人称单数:promotes 现在分词:promoting 过去式:promoted 过去分词:promotedpromote的用法详解1.promote作“提升为…”“使升入…”解时多指按常规次序递进。

用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接“(to be+)n.”充当补足语的复合宾语, promote常与介词to连用,此时通常用于被动结构。

Within a year he was promoted from teller to assistant cashier.他一年内就由出纳员升至(银行)负责财务助理的高级职员。



Certain foods promote tooth decay.有些食物会腐蚀牙齿。

搜索The bad news promoted/led to disorder.这个坏消息引起了混乱。


The company are promoting their new products on television.这家公司正通过电视宣传其新产品。

短语用法详解promote to(v.+prep.),promote sb to sb/sth (提升为…; (使)升入… )The boss promoted him to a higher rank for his successful work.因为他工作干得出色,老板给他晋升一级。

用于be ~ed结构He will soon be promoted to the position of director.他将很快被提升为处长。

Several instructors were promoted to assistant professor this year.今年有几名讲师晋升为助理教授。

Pupils who pass this test will be promoted to the next higher grade.通过此次考试的学生将升入高一年级。

S+~+n./pron.+(to be) n./pron.They promoted him captain.他们提升他为上尉。

~+名词promote the development of 促进…的发展promote economic and cultural exchanges 促进经济文化交流promote a new company 筹建新公司promote physical culture 发展体育运动promote regional economic cooperation 推动区域经济合作promote world peace 促进世界和平~+副词promote ambitiously 雄心勃勃地提升promote essentially 显著地提升promote gratuitously 不必要地提升promote infrequently 罕见地提升promote insidiously 潜伏地促进promote promptly 迅速地提升promote seditiously 煽动性地促进promote skillfully 高超地促进promote subsequently 随后提升promote swiftly 迅速提升promote tardily 晚提升promote wisely 聪明地提升~+介词promote sb from a clerk to a manager 把某人从职员提升为经理promote a pupil into the second year class 使学生跳到二年级。

